Leona Cheveldave

Piano | Theory

Leona Cheveldave is a piano and theory teacher.  She is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music with a Piano Teachers Diploma, having received her final advanced private instructions from Edward Parker.  Leona is also a graduate of BTB Piano Teacher and Teacher Training Diplomas.  She went on to study Russian Technique and the phenomenon of tensions in performing that musicians must overcome.  Leona has been teaching piano for over 30 years, including 30 years at the BC Conservatory of Music.

As an inspiring teacher, Leona likes to share her enthusiasm and high-performance habits to assist her students to reach their goals. She prepares her students for both RCM and BCCM piano and theory examinations, where many receive honors with distinction standings.

Leona’s students receive their training from a very positive, phenomenally creative individual who is sincere in helping her students reach their goals.


  • A.R.C.T. (Toronto) Teacher’s Diploma

  • LTBTB Piano Teacher’s Diploma